Strides Newsletter - April 2024 - Issue 214
- Early Intervention & V-Excel Remedial Center
- Kaleidoscope Learning Center
- V-Excel Educational Trust
- Satellite Centers
- Vocational Training Unit
- Youth Empowerment Services
Counseling & Assessments
From Radhika Sasankh's Desk

Early Intervention and V-Excel Remedial Centre
From the staff of Early Intervention and V-Excel Remedial Centre
Greetings from Early Intervention and the Remedial Unit!
Mother's Day meet:
Mother's Day in the month of May, a small celebratory event was planned for the mothers of children coming to EI-VRC on 6th April 2024. The day began with a welcome address, by Ms. Lekshmi Ramesh, Unit Head, Early Intervention and Remedial Unit, welcoming all the participants for the day's events, the first of which was an art and craft activity.
Followed by the art and craft activity, Ms. Lekshmi Ramesh introduced the participants to transaction analysis. She explained how communication, as a transaction, takes place from various 'ego states'. She explained how they get developed right from childhood, through our life experiences. The three ego states, namely, the child, the parent, and the adult emerge unconsciously during a transaction (communication) without us ever realizing as to why we take stance in a particular ego state. Understanding the ego state from where we are functioning and from where the person opposite is functioning from helps make the communication take place in manner free of friction. The participants shared their feedback and were very interested to know more.
This was followed by planned game activities conducted by Ms. Saranya Murugan, Occupational Therapist, Early Intervention and Remedial Unit. She had planned three games for the participants - a communication game, a dumb charades and a word building game.
At the end of the activities, feedback cards were given to understand on the events planned and how they felt engaging in the same. The participants shared that they had fun, that the activities were nostalgic (painting), for some, this being the first time that they had painted. They also shared that they would be interested in taking part in games along with their children. The event took place from 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. and a total of 20 participants took part in it.

Observation and Review:
The review of the progress of the children who are currently taking intervention with us at the center took place from the 1st to the 5th of April 2024. The parents first got to have an observation of the intervention for their child, followed by a meeting with our unit head to discuss the child's progress for that quarter and the plan of action for the next quarter.
Master Jaidev has been coming to us for interventions for his Academic difficulties. He has come a long way and now it is shown in his scores at school.
o Jaidev: His parents were pleased to share with us that Jaidev has been promoted to the next grade level and that they are happy with how much he has improved over the last academic year.

Kaleidoscope Learning Centre
From Shashikala Subramaniam's Desk

April, is the month of Autism Awareness throughout the world. In KLC the month was dedicated to celebrations, annual reports, parents' meetings, teacher's individual review meetings, of the whole family of V-Excel getting together for the Townhall Meeting, of meeting of the heads of the various units of V-Excel. All this with the temperatures soaring and Chennai getting hotter and hotter.
April 2nd is "The World Autism Awareness Day" and 20 senior school students with teachers went on a trip on the Metro Train from Nandanam station to the Airport and back. The people on the train saw a group of people traveling the Metro quietly, interspersed with some singing and talking. There was no difference or disability seen. One of our students was having difficulty in transitioning into the station and into the train. The Pink Squad (women security officers) and the staff of Metro gave their help to the teachers in handling this situation and even became friends with the student and the teachers. It was a great opportunity to raise awareness and educate the public and uniformed government officials about a few of the disability etiquettes.

Sharada building, where KLC is, was decorated with blue lights on April 2nd and 3rd, to show support to Autism Awareness. All staff and students were dressed in Blue.

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, is one of the most sacred times for Muslims. It is the month in which it is believed that the Holy Qur'an was sent down from heaven "as a guidance for men and women, a declaration of direction, and a means of salvation." Eid - ul - Fitr was celebrated in advance in KLC on April 4th with prayers, talking about the significance of Ramzan and a feast of Vadai and Parupu payasam from Zainambu, one of our teachers and a school parent, with everyone dressed in green or white colour.

The Tamizh New year was also celebrated in advance on April 5th in the traditional way with songs, a mirror to see the good things kept in a tray, that life must bring in this new year, and sweet ragi and everyone dressed in the colours of yellow or orange.

Srivatsan, one of our old students' lives in a gated community at Ottiampakkam off OMR in Chennai. His parents invited the Blue Blue-Sky Choir to perform in their community center, to bring about awareness about Autism. So, on April 7th a few of our students and teachers met with the families in the community, met Srivatsan and sang for a few minutes there. It was good to see the steps taken by parents to educate the community about autism and our children.

Tarang on April 10th was a melodious program presented by Saisharan, Bharath and Sharath. The students from Indradhanu school also joined us in enjoying this program. Saisharan interacted with the students and the songs were enjoyed by everyone. The hall was completely full of parents too joining us for the program.

Year End parents' meetings were conducted in the first two weeks of April, in groups. Parents shared their happiness in the improvements seen in their child, the goals which needed to be worked on in the coming year. The teachers of every class talked individually about each student's - strengths, needs and where they needed the help of the parents. More than 50 parents were met and at the end of the meetings, the overall feeling of satisfaction, happiness, of taking the correct step towards each child's future came across to us. We thanked the parents for their cooperation in all that we requested them to do and to continue traveling with us on this journey together for the betterment of the students.
The end of the year is a time for the whole group of KLC to go out for lunch, this being the second time in a row. On April 17th we all went out to Mathsya restaurant for a buffet. It was a time to cherish friendships, being a family together and spend time together. Most importantly it was a gesture of appreciation for the staff and the deep work done over the year.

V-Excel's yearly Town Hall meeting was held on 22nd April, at Shivsundar Villa, Injambakkam, for the whole day. KLC was represented by all staff. The day was filled with learning, fun, meeting staff from other centres, budding friendships, learning what were the difficulties faced by the units and how they overcame them, some hand activities which brought around representations of the group ideas.

Every year we also have the Annual Head's Meeting, which happened on April 23rd, and we had Radhika Sashank starting the day with a workshop on Transactional Analysis where many questions were answered, newer more healthy communication ways learnt, which also gave food for thought and understanding about ourselves. The day went on with sharing, talking, planning for the coming year, and led to a better understanding of each other in this group.

Teachers and other staff had individual meetings - looking back to the year that was, what they wanted to do in the coming year and any other information / needs to be shared, was talked about. This gave insight into many of the difficulties they had gone through personally, interpersonal or as a group. This gave us a starting point for us to work with them in the coming year.
Summer Camp for students of KLC has been organised for a period of 4 weeks starting from April 24th till May 18th by a few teachers, where a clear plan for individual work has been drawn up, keeping to the rhythm.
Dear all, take care and be safe and hydrated during these hot summer days.
V-Excel Educational Trust
World Autism Awareness Day
Moving from Surviving to Thriving. This year's theme for World Autism Awareness Day, championed by the United Nations, emphasizes the importance of shifting the focus from simply coping with autism to creating an environment where autistic individuals can flourish. This includes ensuring access to:
1) Early diagnosis and intervention: Early intervention programs can significantly improve outcomes for autistic children.
2) Quality education: Inclusive education settings that cater to individual needs are crucial for success.
3) Supportive employment: Creating opportunities for meaningful employment fosters independence and self-esteem.
4) Mental health support: Autistic individuals are more prone to anxiety and depression. Access to mental health services is essential.

Autism Awareness
V-Excel Educational Trust goes Blue for "Autism Awareness"... Bangalore, Chennai, Erode, Pandharpur, Solapur, Nashik. We are all for the UN's chosen theme of the year - "moving from surviving to thriving" .

A roundtable discussion on the topic "How organizations can enhance their neuro-divergent inclusivity"
On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, our CSR partner, Grundfos India, hosted senior representatives from their NGO partners for a roundtable discussion on the topic "How organizations can enhance their neuro-divergent inclusivity".
Ms. Charumathi Sriram and Ms. Gayathri Suryanarayanan represented V-Excel and Prof. Anand Jagadeesan represented Nivesh Foundation.
Ms. Usha Subramaniam, Country President, Grundfos India gave the welcome address. Mr. Poovannam, Head of Country and Plant HR, and Ms. Krithka Iyer, Senior Manager - Sustainability & External Relations presented highlights of DE&I best practices in Grundfos India.
The roundtable discussion focused on key points:
• Current industrial practices in training/hiring individuals from neuro-divergent backgrounds.
• Challenges faced by all stakeholders that act as roadblocks in strengthening inclusivity.
• Support required to enhance vocational skilling opportunities for neuro-divergent individuals.
• Creating a conducive environment for individuals in the neuro-divergent spectrum.
Charu and Gayathri explained the best practices being followed in V-Excel. This covered the internship programs and counselling sessions and the importance of sensitizing the hiring stakeholders.
Prior to the roundtable, Ms. Krithika Iyer and Ms. Apoorva Manichander, Manager - CSR, spoke about the company, safety and how their DE&I initiative was set up with the support of V-Excel and other NGOs. They took all the participants, including parents, for a tour of their shopfloor and highlighted the work areas where trainees had been integrated.

Tarang musical concert
The monthly Tarang concert held on Thursday, 10th April, 2024 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (BVB), Mylapore from 10:30 to 11.45 p.m.
The theme of the event was My Journey, performed by Saisharan - Vocals, Bharath Damodharan - Keyboard, Sharath Damodharan - Percussion.
Click here to watch Tarang on YouTube.

Summer Camp @ Pandharpur Center:
When the newest center of V-Excel, at Pandharpur - Maharashtra, reports good work that is beneficial for the community, this indeed is a proud moment for all.
Members and mentor of Visionars Group, Pandharpur, visited the V -Excel center. As April was Autism awareness month, the Pandharpur center head shared with them information about Autism and the work done by V -Excel Trust. All interacted with the kids very kindly.
Summer camp : V-Excel Pandharpur
Date: 22nd April to 30th April
The center organized Summer camp activities for 8 days.A successful camp that was enjoyed by all the kids who attended.

Townhall Meeting:
Town Hall of V-Excel Educational Trust, on Monday 22nd April, a day to get together, camaraderie, reflection, interaction, exchange ideas, share best practices, sort difficulties if any and a new learning to take away.
All the staff from every centre of V- Excel get's together this day of the year and it's good to see a Full House. So much buzz, chatter, enthusiasm and energy....special time indeed. The day was structured with an agenda of fun, learning, food, bonding with creativity and presentation from each center The theme was "Beyond Barriers" and every activity was planned keeping the theme in mind.
Thanks to Ms. Lakshmi Sudhakaran for making our day super special and showing the importance of one's own space by introducing us to "Spacial Dynamics". Was a great experience for all and a learning that we could practice to perfection and remember our boundary.
The art activity was creating with minimal products things that could benefit the people in the work they do. First as individuals and then in teams. All had to think out of the box, which was challenging but not impossible. The pictures are proof of the wonderful idea each team came up with, the varied topics and was very meaningful.
The day ended with presentations, sighs, applause, wonder, laughter and pride to see all we do. We did have a long day and went beyond the closure time...but all had a smile, we got a notch closer to each other and looking forward to Town Hall 2025. Till we meet again..

In-service for the Unit Heads
Town Hall was followed by another important day of in-service for the Unit Heads of V-Excel Educational Trust. This day was a bit more serious, learning, sharing and meticulous planning for 2024-2025.
We all thank Ms.Radhika Sasankh, for an enlightening morning. She gently and patiently took us through a new learning - Transactional Analysis - "a method used to analyse the process of transactions in communication with others. It requires us to be aware of how we feel, think, and behave during interactions with others." The session was very interesting with relevant questions and their answers, she used simple language and was interactive. Many questions answered, new communication tactics learnt, lot of food for thought and an understanding that our personality is driven by different ego states.
The day went on with yummy food, chit chat, exchanges for a better journey ahead and to ensure 2024-2025 to be more innovative, productive, structured and meaningful for all stakeholders. All the best to Team V-Excel !!

Satellite Centers
From Jayanthi Vishwanath in Nashik
World Autism Awareness Day
On 2nd April,2024, the staff and children of all the Centres, came dressed in blue to show support for autistic individuals on World Autism Awareness Day. Various games and activities were organized for the children to participate in and in spreading awareness and understanding of autism.

Gudipadwa Celebrations
On 8th April,2024, The Hindu New Year, Gudipadwa, was celebrated in all three centres, focusing on cultural education. At BLA, children watched short videos explaining the Hindu calendar and the festival's importance. Teachers also performed traditional rituals related to the festival, helping students connect with their cultural heritage.
Hindu Nav Varsh Swagat Yatra
On 9th April,2024, students from V-Excel participated in the Hindu Nav Varsh Swagat Yatra, donning the attire of Ram, Sita, Hanuman, and a few teachers to mark the arrival of the Hindu New Year. The event was a colorful celebration, symbolizing the spirit of the occasion. A variety of talents were on display as children from various institutions displayed traditional sport activities like Mallakhamb (gymnastics), along with numerous acts and games. The event was a lively showcase of the children's diverse skills and interests.

Third Annual day program of V-Excel, Nashik
On 20th April, 2024, the third Annual day program of V-Excel, Nashik, began with the Marathi prayer 'Heech Amchi Prarthana,' followed by guest introductions and the lighting of the lamp with inauguration of UDIT Rehabilitation foundation symbolizing a new era of hope and empowerment. The Ramleela performance by the students showcased various scenes, including the formation of the Ayodhya temple, Sita Swayamvar, 'Sita Haran' by Ravan, Hanuman Chalisa dance, and a depiction of the war between Ravan and Ram's forces.
From the enchanting formation of the Ayodhya temple to the gripping 'Sita Haran' by Ravan, every scene was brought to life with passion and precision by our students. The grand finale saw all students unite in a jubilant dance, echoing 'Bharat ka Baccha Baccha Jai Sri Ram Bolega.'
Unique Bouquets prepared with napkins were presented to our esteemed guests, whose heartfelt speeches resonated with the spirit of the day. The resounding success of the event left the audience spellbound, with parents showering messages of appreciation and praise, a testament to the dedication and excellence of our students, teachers, and staff.

Parents Training on 24th April, 2024
On Guest Lecture Empowers Parents to Engage Children in Summer Activities
Occupational therapist Saumil Asher and physiotherapist Priyanka Asher conducted a guest lecture for parents aimed at helping them understand how to engage their children in various summer activities tailored to their individual needs. The lecture emphasized the importance of inclusivity in social settings, providing parents with valuable insights and strategies to support their children effectively.
Psychologists Armin Shroff and Pradnya Apte present a module on Parenting skills called "Parent Power". Behind every confident young child stands a parent who believes the child, first.Over 60 parents actively participated in this session focused on child psychology and positive parenting. The crux of this workshop emphasized the significant role parents play in the wellness of their children. Starting with the importance of strong parent-child bonding, the workshop highlighted the power of parental influence as role models. It offered coping strategies for emotional distress, active listening techniques, and effective communication activities to strengthen parent-child relationships. The speakers also highlighted the significance of parents' self-care and the transformative power of gratitude. The workshop was very well appreciated by our parents.

Grandparents Day
On 25th April, 2024, Grandparents Day Celebrated with Joy and Enthusiasm
A Heart-warming celebration of grandparents Day took place, honouring the invaluable role of grandparents in caring for and nurturing the children of our students at home. The event featured various games and activities, providing a platform for grandparents to share their experiences. With dancing, laughter, and shared stories, the day was filled with joy and positive feedback, reflecting the enthusiasm and overwhelming spirit of the attending grandparents.

Presentation By Speech Therapist
A presentation was given by Speech Therapist Ms. Mrugesha Sonawane in the afternoon session about "The Role of Parents in managing a child with Autism." Mrugesha's presentation offered attendees a comprehensive understanding of the role parents play in managing autistic children. By addressing key topics such as causes, therapy techniques, behavioural challenges, and the involvement of teachers, attendees gained valuable insights into supporting the holistic development of autistic children. The presentation emphasized the importance of a collaborative approach involving parents, therapists, and educators in ensuring the well-being and success of autistic children.
Teachers Training on 26th and 27th April
Effective communication skill workshop by Mrs. Anjali Marwah. Mrs. Anjali emphasized the crucial role of communication in daily life. She highlighted how effective communication enhances relationships and fosters understanding. She outlined practical strategies for communication effectiveness. These included active listening, empathy, nonverbal communication, and clarity in expression.
On Friday, April 26th, 2024, our teachers enjoyed a rejuvenating training session titled 'Everyday Stress Busters' with Psychologist Ms. Armin Shroff. The workshop empowered teachers to cultivate mindset shifts essential for effective stress management. Infused with humor, Ms. Shroff guided participants through a series of practical tools and techniques, including self-assessment of stress levels, physical stress-relief exercises, the 4As of stress management, and discussions on locus of control. The session concluded with teachers designing their personalized Stress-Busting First Aid toolkit, equipped with strategies to tackle everyday stressors.

On 27th April,2024, A presentation on "Epilepsy" by Mrs. Jayanthi Vishwanath. A comprehensive workshop on epilepsy delved into its types, symptoms, and effective care for individuals, especially children, during convulsions or seizures. Attendees learned how to recognize cues and symptoms in various individuals through informative presentations. The workshop aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to provide proper care, dos and don'ts and support for those living with epilepsy, emphasizing the importance of understanding and compassion in dealing with this condition.

Teachers Engage in Fun-filled Games for Mental Ability and Bonding.
On the last working day, teachers indulged in a series of games aimed at enhancing attention retention, memory, and alertness. Forming groups, they participated enthusiastically, fostering a lively atmosphere filled with laughter. The games not only provided entertainment but also strengthened bonds among the staff, promoting a sense of companionship and teamwork.
Summer Camp
We had a summer camp for our students from 1st April to 20th April. The following were the activities that we conducted:
• Outdoor games - Cricket, football, shuttle, musical chair
• Indoor games - Carrom, Ludo, Snake and ladder, UNO, traditional indoor games
Art and craft - making a pen stand, photo frame, book mark
All the rules of the games were discussed. The children were very enthusiastic and we could see in them lot of caring, sharing, accepting defeat,cheering for friends all through the whole month. They were very punctual for the classes bearing the heat. We also had our regular sessions of yoga.
Home program
Every year, we give Home Programs for our students to help parents to keep them engaged and also help them in not regressing from their current level. We keep changing the format to make it more interesting for them. This year also we spent a lot of time in preparing our Home Programs. Every parent was met and also guided about the activities. Some of the activities that we included this time are:
• Bio data reading and writing
• Outdoor games
• Indoor games
• ADL training
• Household activities
• Cooking without fire
• Listening to instrumental music
• Origami work
• Art and craft
For the Pre vocational children, some of the activities included are:
• Functional Academics
• Newspaper reading
• Non verbal students to get trained in writing their names and address
• Tuck Shop
We tried doing a tuck shop involving our children. We made groundnut chikkis and also lemon tea. Our students also painted diyas that were sold to parents. Next year, are planning for one or two products that we can proudly exhibit in the V-Excel stalls.

Autism Day Celebration on 2nd April-2024
World Autism Awareness Day, 2nd April, is an internationally recognized day, encouraging Member States of the United Nations taking measures to raise awareness about autistic individuals throughout the world. Provides a platform for communities worldwide to reflect on the diverse spectrum of neurodevelopmental differences within society.
At the V-Excel Centre, this day was celebrated with all students and teachers wearing sky blue colour clothes. Classrooms were decorated with balloons and quotes were written on autism. On this occasion colorful activities were conducted by teachers and students enjoyed them. Kids group photos were clicked and the celebrations recognized the importance of pride for autistic individuals and its role in bringing about positive changes in the broader society.
SAH-CHETANA on 7th April-2024
On the occasion of Autism awareness, we organised a function and named this "SAH-CHETANA" - (Sah - together, same Chetana - Consciousness, feeling).This function was conducted on 7th April . Here we had interviews and guidance of successful parents of autistic children and a convocation ceremony was held for successful students. We conducted the program to inspire parents to work more on their children.
Dr. Sapna Asava(Principal of Vivekananda School) , Dr. Ashis Bhutada(renowned Neuro Physician Doctor in Solapur) and Dr. Vikram Hirekerur(renowned pediatrician in Solapur) were the guests. They presented certificates and medals to our students. This was a proud moment for our center and parents.
We conducted interviews of three autistic children's parents ,who worked successfully on their children. Akshay's parents said Akshay has completed his graduation from IISER Pune and is now doing his internship in IIT Mumbai. Rudra is 13 years old and achieved many medals for swimming, sports and baking competitions. Navneet is a writer and his 4 books are published. One of these books he got a "Golden Book Award". The interview was followed by some questions and answers. Some difficulties were also discussed and how AAC devices(Augmentative and alternative communication) work for non-verbal children was shared by Navaneet's mother. So much knowledge and experience shared by parents, was helpful for other parents too.
Proponents of graduation ceremonies say, they bring schools and families together to build a community, support kids as they move into higher levels of academics and celebrate students' achievements. Following this, ice cream was disturbed to all with a vote of thanks.

Free Assessment and Counseling Camp on 13th April-2024
On 13th April free assessment and counseling camp was inaugurated by Ms. Janvi Makhija. Deep prajwalan was done by her.
This camp was kept open for public. Our center publicised this camp by putting banners in public places, on autorickshaws and other public places.
Many parents visited the center to understand about their children and shared symptoms of their kids. Our therapists, special educator explained and observed.
Parents counseling was done.

Summer Camp on 15th April-2024
Summer camp can be an excellent opportunity for children to develop important life skills, such as leadership, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. It can also provide a break from the daily routine of school and offer children a chance to explore new interests and hobbies. On 15th April, summer camp was inaugurated by Ms. Sunita Vaidya by planting trees with the children. Summer camp included planting trees, kitchen activity, art and craft activities, fun games, pretend play, story-telling with action. These activities were planned for early intervention students. Vocational students did activities where they played the role of bankers, doctor and nurse, chef, and waiter. These made them aware about the various places and the responsibility each person has.
Visit of SMT Rajeshwari, Narayan Reki on 18th April-2024
NRSP is founded by Smt. Rajeshwariji Modi, who is lovingly called 'Raj Didi'. She is a Reiki Grandmaster, Acupressure therapist and an excellent counsellor. NRSP is incessantly working to bring in Satyug, where people are positive in thoughts, words and deeds. NRSP believes that relations are the main force in managing, leading and living a successful life, which is full of good health, wealth, happiness, peace and prosperity. By means of various courses and talks the importance and benefits of being positive are revealed. On 18th NRSP founder SMT Rajeswari Didi visit our Centre. Ms. Sunita Vaidya, welcomed her with a bouquet, as a token of love and students welcomed by showering flowers on her. She visited all classes. She spoke about Reiki healing, how it works and how it is useful. Narayan Reiki works on relaxation and to reduce pain and tension throughout the body. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can decrease pain perception as well.

Parents Meeting and Report submission Day on 19th April-2024
The day when exam results are released can be an emotional and stressful time for both parents and children. As a parent, it is important to support your child during this time, regardless of whether the results are good or bad. In this blog, we'll explore some ways in which you can support your child on result day. On the 19th April students report card was submitted by our Center. All class teacher discussed the improvement of the child, told od areas which required to be worked on. So many queries and questions asked by parents and they were happy with their child progress. A parent meeting was also conducted by Ms. Sunita Vaidya. Huge response received by parents attending the meeting. Parents were discussing their child's progress and gave suggestions to school. Ms. Sunita Vaidya suggested to them to do a course of autism to get knowledge and would be helpful for them to handle their child. The bond between teacher and student is more understanding than parents. It is full of trust as well as is lovable.

Abhyasa Kendra, Srirangam
Vocational Activities
This month, Teachers and Therapist were busy with the Year End Report writing for our Vocational and Remedial Students. Teachers prepared a Home Plan for all the Trainees and Students. Due to extreme hot weather, only few students came to the center. All the staff together with the kitchen staff, cleaned, dried, measured, and roasted all the raw materials used for the Sambar Powder, Rasam Powder, and Health Mix Powder. Ground all the roasted raw materials in an outside flour mill. Then they made 1 kg, 250 gm, and 100 gm packets. Once closed the center for the trainees and the children, staff were engaged in the cleaning work for the coming Academic Year 2024-2025. Along with these activities, we distributed small prizes for the staff and trainees who actively participated in the academic and vocational activities and also to other trainees and students.

From Outreach Remedial Center, Pollachi
Assessment Camp
Free Screening and Assessment Camp was conducted at OutReach Learning Center for Exceptional children, Pollachi to address the areas of Neuro Development Disorders, behavioral problems, emotional and social development, sensory problems and intellectual disabilities by our rehabilitation professionals. Ms. Lekshmi Ramesh, Unit Head, V-Excel Educational Trust, Chennai, graced the occasion with her presence.
Beneficiaries: 25
(10 children, 5 young adults, 10 school students) Direct Beneficiaries
Parents and Siblings (Indirect Beneficiaries)

Free Eye Camp
A free eye and ear screening camp was organized by Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College, Palakkad, for our students and parents at OutReach Learning Center for exceptional children, Pollachi on April 20th 2024.
Beneficiaries: 50 (40 children, 40 parents, 15 faculties) Direct Beneficiaries

From Anandam Special School, Ambattur
Greetings from Anandam Special School!
April 1, 2024:
60th Birthday was celebrated with our students. They provided lunch for our staff and students.

April 2, 2024:
"Living the experience and experiencing the living with Autism", was the theme for the world Autism awareness day. Parents of autistic adult who have achieved in different field share their experience to our parents. It was an eye opener for a parent to strengthen their beliefs in bringing up their own kids.
There was a medical camp organised by a senior cardiologist Dr. Shrimathi from public health centre West mambalam. Heart screening was done by the cardiologist and her team for all the students.

April 3, 2024:
Sai sanjay Metha donated beautiful painting to Anandam Special School.

April 6, 2024:
One of our donors visited our school and was impressed by the progress happening.

April 9, 2024:
Students appearing for NIOS exams where gifted stationery kit.

April 12, 2024:
Sweets were distributed to students & staffs by Mrs. Krithika on her birthday.

April 15, 2024:
Pre-vocational training was started for the students.

April 16, 2024
Class-wise group photo was taken on account of 2nd academic year closing.

April 18, 2024
Birthday celebration of teachers and students for the month of March and April. 2024 was done with cake cutting. Cake was cut for the successful completion of 2nd Academic year.

Let's see you all next Academic Year
From Therapy & Learning Centre, Pandharpur
On the occasion of world health day Homeopathic Doctors club invited us to spread awareness of Autism and to give information about our centre. From Pandharpur center, Mrs Rashmi Diwan visited them and informed of how the center works for the Autism kids.
On the occasion of World Autism awareness month Pandharpur Inner wheel Club member, Mrs Nagina Bohari and other club members visited our centre and gifted a slide to our kids.
On the occasion of world Autism month Visionaries Group Pandharpur visited our centre and interacted with our kids. All the children had a great time and enjoyed singing and dancing with them. Mrs. Rashmi Diwan, from the center shared information about the V-Excel Educational learning center.

Vocational Training Unit
From Charumathi Sriram's Desk
April was a busy month which began with World Autism Awareness Day but went on to be followed by activities with Grundfos, Tarang, Townhall and Unit Meeting.
Visit To Other NGOs' - Kanavu And Srishti Foundation On 5th April 2024
Charu visited two NGO's at Cuddalore and Vizhupuram along with ESVI Sarada Foundation Coordinators on 5th April 2024. Kanavu was a wonderful program where educational, and women empowerment was run by team of youngsters. Women were taught tailoring and making jute products and bags like us. Srishti Foundation was a residential facility for young adults with special needs especially with development delay from under privileged background. They train them inhouse on farming, culinary, baking, life skills, functional academics which are like us and sends for internships and mainstream jobs at Pondicherry. They also have a wonderful, sheltered workshop where residents make Lego handbags which are exported to European countries. It was wonderful to watch them do the assembly line and get a good salary out of the sale proceeds.
We visited various residential setups and other NGO's which helped us to learn the best practices and refer parents who enquire based on their needs.

• We had four interns of 2nd year Psychology students of MOP Vaishnav college who joined, and each one was assigned to work with trainees who need one on one support. They were able to adapt and started learning and teaching the trainees n tailoring, painting clay pots, masks, craft bead work and helped in editing IPP reports. They also had role play on first aid on safety measures in case of emergency for the family member. They were guided by our FA consultant.

Tarang At BVB On 10th April 2024
This month Tarang was shifted to Wednesday morning due to request from BVB and Mr. Saicharan, Super Singer rendered spectacular performance accompanying Bharath on keyboard and Sharath Damodaran on Percussion. It was more interactive and, he sang few songs on audience requests.
GRUNDFOS V-Excel World Autism Awarness Month Events
April 2nd, 15th and 25th
Grundfos had series of events for this month with our unit commemorating the World Autism month. The first one was Roundtable Discussion at Grundfos premises, 2nd visit VTU by their Global HR leaders center, 3rd was employee engagement event at the beach and Global Graduates' Volunteering Engagement program which was scheduled next month.
Event - 1
Roundtable Discussion On 2nd April 2024 At Grundfos
Charu and Gaythri were invited for the Roundtable Discussion on commemorating the World Autism Day by Grundfos on 2nd April. Charu was part of the parent's meet where the staff addressed the parents of trainees who have been placed and interning at Grundfos, where they explained the process and the activities about their wards. Parents were taken on a tour of the shop floor to see their wards at work in a corporate setup. It was overwhelming for the parents to see this, and they thanked Grundfos and V-Excel.
At the Roundtable Discussion, along with V-Excel Team, other NGO's representatives from Swabodhini, SNEH and Ability Foundation. Usha Subramaniyan, Apoorva, Krithika and Poovanan represented from the Grundfos side.
It was very interesting to know about each one's experiences from this and V-Excel shared its best practices.

Event - 2
Global HR Leaders Visit To VTU On 15th April 2024
On 15th April, we had 16 leaders from various nationalities along with Ms. Usha Subramanian, Country Head and Ms. Apoorva, Senor CSR Consultant. They were received by Trainee Sousan with roses, water by trainee Ashwin, and welcome address by Uma our Senior Consultant. Charu spoke about V-Excel and ESVI Sarada Foundation followed by Sushma, counsellor who spoke about Disability in Indian Context. They were grouped and taken on a tour to experience each vocational activity which they thoroughly enjoyed. They were impressed with our products and bought many items.

Event -3
Grundfos Employee Engagement Program For Autism Awareness Month On 25th April 2024 At Bessie Beach
The third event by Grundfos and V-Excel was the best and most memorable one for all. It was employee engagement program and creating awareness in the public place. From V-Excel 30 trainees from VTU and YES were taken to the beach along with 25 teachers and staff and from Grundfos we had 32 employees.
Charu had got the Chennai Police permission to conduct the event at the public space.
The agenda was to play games after splitting into three groups each with a combination of the trainees and employees. Each group were assigned to play cricket, throw ball and Frisbee. Despite the scorching heat at 4.00 pm, trainees were enthusiastic and started playing the games along with their new friends. Each one was running and catching, batting, throwing the ball and Frisbee game was most enjoyed game among the trainees. It was heartening to watch few trainees walking along with new friend and chatting and Grundfos employee interacting so well and could see the real inclusion at that event.
Delicious refreshment, Sundal prepared by trainees of YES and Panagam by VTU trainees and staff was served to all. Police department had assigned two constables exclusively for us as security.

Town Hall And Annual Unit Heads Meet On 22nd And 23rd April 2024
All teachers, staff and security attended the Town Hall meet held on 22nd April 2024. We experienced Spatial Dynamics movement conducted by Ms. Lakshmi Sudhakar, followed by presentation on Beyond Barriers by all the centres across India. From VTU our teacher Abee Wakaas, Uma and Charu presented about trainee Rithwik, Trainer Abirami on empowerment at the place of internship, how we could overcome their barriers. EI presentation was the best and humorous where each one enjoyed.
Charu attended the Unit Heads meeting on 23rd April at Sharada and Radhika's session on Transactional Analysis was extremely useful and holistic.

Vocational Activities/Functional Academics/Therapy/Counselling/Movement Dance Therapy
1. Vocational Activities
• Trainees were executing Jute and Gada block printing Tote bags for Sringeri by cutting the materials, block printing, pasting label, stacking, and packing. It was ready for delivery and one of the trainees was assigned to travel along with Admin team.

• Trainees then started working on our Solapur Trustee Mr. Dilip Kulkarni’s order of Jute thambulam bags 50 nos.
2. Functional Academics
• Uma had session orienting trainees on elections and voting rights.
• Interns from MOP Vaishnav college had role play on first aid and safety measures to be followed during any emergency which was guided by Uma.

3. Counselling/therapy/movement
• Counsellor had sessions with trainees, teachers, and parents
• Vasanth had therapy both individual and group.
Youth Empowerment Services
From Gayathri Suryanarayanan's Desk
Key highlights for the month of April 2024
• Vocational training, Counselling, Therapy and other fitness activities
• Autism Awareness Day
• Samunnati - Placement
• Sringeri order - Completion and Delivery
• Team Lunch
• Townhall meeting - Participation and Newsletter release
• Equitas - Visit, Internship opportunity and Sensitisation session
• Admission
Vocational training, Counselling, Therapy and other fitness activities
April, the month of summer and winding up, was packed with vocational activities and events along with the production and placement work. Set goals and objectives for each trainee were made and updated in their respective IPPs. Tamil New year was welcomed at YES by offering puja to the Lord Vinayaga.
Archery, Silambam, Yoga and Fitness were happening as usual.
Counselling sessions and therapy sessions were going on uninterrupted.

Autism Awareness Day
To commemorate World Autism Awareness Day on 02 April 2024, the trainees and the trainers at YES had blue as dress colour code. Blue, considered to be the colour of calmness and peace is chosen to represent Autism spectrum. Trainees were given a motivational talk about the challenges of an autistic individual and the ways to manage the same.
Gayathri also participated in the round table discussion on workplace inclusion for special needs organised at Grundfos.

Samunnati - Placement
Following the visit by Mr. Gurunath and Mr. Anand from Samunnati, our trainee Ramanathan was selected for a paid internship at Samunnati. This is a great opportunity for Ramanathan, and it is a good breakthrough for us into the finance sector as Samunnati is an agro finance enterprise. Ramanathan will be working with a small team and be involved in scanning and other back-office work. From V-Excel, we wish Ramanthan all the very best.

Sringeri order - Completion and Delivery
It was an honor for YES team to take up the order of making 400 organic soaps and screen printing on 400 bags for Sringeri mutt for the grand occasion of the 74th Vardhanti of Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji. Each product had a customized label for the occasion. All the products were completed on time and delivered promptly. The same was well appreciated.
Team lunch
As part of our year end process, a team lunch was organised by YES team and as always it was a lovely time together. Lot of sharing of concerns, challenges and accomplishments happened during those few hours.
Townhall Meeting
On 22 April 2024, YES team participated in the annual V-Excel Townhall meeting at Shiv Sundar Villa, Chennai. The whole team was there, and the staff members were very participative. Divya, trainer from YES presented the PowerPoint presentation on Beyond Barriers.

Newsletter release
Following the YES presentation, the fourth edition of YES newsletter was released. The first few copies were presented to Ms. Ajita, Ms. Gita Bhalla and Ms. Jayanthi. A few other copies were distributed to other unit heads and coordinators.

Equitas - Visit, Internship and Sensitisation program.
Upon our request and follow-up, the CSR coordinator from Equitas, Ms. Uma, visited YES to understand our services and to interview a few of our trainees for internships on 18 April 2024. Four of our trainees were interviewed.
On 25 April, the YES team visited were invited to Equitas along with the 2 shortlisted trainees. Mr. John Alex, ED, Equitas interacted with the trainees and was quite impressed with their skills and potential. Both were selected for internship, and they were asked to start the same from 30 April 2024.
On 30 April 2024, Gayathri from YES conducted a sensitisation session at Equitas for all the staff members who will be working with the 2 trainees. The one-hour session was followed by Q&A. Many in the team asked questions about cognitive challenges and were very curious to understand about the same. They also shared their appreciation for the work done by V-Excel and showed their willingness to include people with special needs.