V-Excel Educational Trust

Strides Newsletter Archives

Academy of Teaching Excellence


The Academy of Teaching and Excellence has made many plans for the year 2015-2016. So the month of June was taken up to plan these courses. There have been many requests for different training courses, and CRE programs from many rehabilitation professionals. V-Excel has made an impact in this area of training and CRE programs all over India.

We will conduct a few CRE programs this year too, along with weekend training programs. Once again look into our brochures for the topics that would interest you. A minimum of 15 registrations is required for each course. These weekend training programs are very innovative and need of the hour, as each and every Special Educator and Therapist can keep in touch with the progress happening in these areas.

Along with this planning Mrs. maria Josephine, the Coordinator, had been assigned the task of developing a standard program across V-Excel. Much brain-storming with all Unit Heads was done.